Well, hi everyone! today im gonna talk about my favorite book. It's a difficult question for me because since a long time i dont read a book so i dont remember so much authors. It's sad to admit it, but real haha. Any way, may be my favorite author is Mary Shelley, woman who write "Frankenstein" and one of the first woman recognized in history, but Mary Shelley is not my favorite author for her masterpiece "Frankenstein", but she is my favorite for her book "Maurice or the fisher's cot". When i was child, my dad used to read me that book and i remember perfectly how much i loved it, so i really would like to read it again.
Also, my favorite book is "Animal Farm" by George Orwell because is a political book and talk about how Stalin regimen corrupted socialism. It´s a book with a lot of content but easy to read, so i recommend it a lot.
The last book i read was "La Tregua" by Mario Benedetti. I read it last year, when i went to a friend's house and my friend lend to me and she told me was a beautiful book, and well, it was! so i absolutely recommend it
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