Hi class! im gonna talk to you about mi plans or ideas for this summer. I really try all the summers to travel to some cheap place because during the year it so much difficult to me get a job and work while im studing, so this year, my friends and i want to go to Ecuador, but after all the bullshit its happening there, its probably we change the destine of our trip. Maybe we could go to Perú and the idea is buy the tickets at "cybermonday" before christmas! so i hope they make that cybermonday im waiting haha.
My friends and i haven't planned perfectly all the trip yet, but i think very soon we will have a meeting with a lot of food and at that moment we will decide every single city of Perú or Ecuador we want to meet. It´s very fun to plan the holidays with frinds because in my case means sit on a circle with a pc and a map marking the places we want to visit, and looking at internet pictures of that places haha also we search at some travellers blogs, some recommendations or some tips about differents places, so we learn a lot about. We spect stay away from Chile about one month, like every year. The only problem its money! this year for some reason we have not been able to save much money so we want to solve this problem working this last three months.


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